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Monday, March 26, 2012

Mentoring the Mentor

How did we get here?  In life I mean?  I think back over the  years, however many or few there are and ask myself:

How was the journey? Did I know, and see...

The birds sang today and yesterday
The worms did their valuable work today
The sky was blue today
A song was sung today
A word of praise was said today
Language is part of our communication, today ---'I love you'.
Rivers wound their way today
Fish were found today
A kitten purred today
A puppy found its home today
A grandpa had a visitor today

When we find love in little things, we are then aware of LOVE around us at all times.  Let me find a larger Love than the limited one I see sometimes.

I found a smile today, it was frozen in a bag of sorrow.  I found it hiding, I found it cold and unmoving. So I warmed it in the sun and it melted, slowly, like a pat of butter on a plate. Smiles are real, when they are felt, not just seen. WE all can be faking our smiles.  I used to live a life of 'fake smiles'.  NO MORE ! 

Mentoring is a way of finding things you didn't see before. Looking at others with the 'hope and love' you maybe never had in your own life.   I mentor on this site for me as much as you. 

I learn and grow as I write and observe, and contemplate.   Life is full of good and full of LOVE.

Sure, we can look at the negative, but why not look FOR the good?  We don't have to serve God, but He is a God of LOVE, so why not find out where and why His love is shown. 

At an 'Orphanage', at a 'Homeless shelter', at a 'Beaten Mom's safe house'. Any place there is love, kindness, and hope given.  The origin of love is God.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16.

Did you ever stop to think who was saying that?  Peter? Paul? God? Jesus?  That's right it is Jesus saying that about God HIS father and Himself.  He was saying how it is, and how it will be if we just trust Him.

Amazing! He found me, and He is looking for you, are you listening for His Loving call to you?

So go on, REALLY love today.  Really LOVE.  Do you know God is a God of forgiveness, the adulterous woman  in the Bible- Jesus didn't stone, he Loved her. John 7:53--8:11

That's what changes us, Love. 

Agape Love. Unconditional Love, ask God to help you accept His love. He WILL answer that prayer!

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